Orange County Quilters Guild
Orange County Quilters Guild
In the quilt of life, friends are the stitches that hold it together.
In the quilt of life, friends are the stitches that hold it together.
Advertise With OCQG
To support local businesses and make our members aware of special opportunities and boutique sales, we are offering advertising in our Guild newsletter.
Our newsletter notifications are emailed to both our members and others who have signed up for our mailing list (currently over 450 email addresses). The newsletter is posted on our website for anyone to enjoy.
Advertising Specifications: Digital ad copy is preferred, in jpeg format at 300dpi. Please submit “print ready” copy.
You can submit your advertisement online by completing the form below and paying by credit card (click on "Pay By Credit Card" button after submitting the form).
If you would prefer to pay in person or by mail, Check should be made payable to Orange County Quilters Guild. Payment can be made to the treasurer at Guild meetings or through the postal box (OCQG PO Box 3108 Orange, Ca. 92857). Email advertising copy to ocqg.newsletter@gmail.com
- Contact Name *Company NameEmail *Phone *Address *Select country/regionAd Size *Select an optionAd Frequency *Select an optionUpload AdvertisementAttach jpg or png file at 300 dpiUpload FileUp to 20 MBCommentsFirst Newsletter Month *Enter the date for the 1st of the month for the month in which you want your advertisement to appear (for one month) or the starting month (for 3 or 11 months).
PO Box 3108
Orange, CA 92857